LMCHING Group Limited: Put Customer First - Earn Us the Google Top Quality Store Badge and 4.9/5 stars TrustPilot
الزمان: 15/2/2023
المؤلف: كووك هونغ نجوين
المدة: 15 دقيقة
الزمان: 15/2/2023
المؤلف: كووك هونغ نجوين
المدة: 15 دقيقة
LMCHING Group Limited: ضع العميل في المقام الأول - اكسبنا شارة متجر Google ذات الجودة العالية و4.9/5 نجوم Trustpilot
شارة متجر Google الموثوق به
ما هذا
The Google Trusted Store Badge is a sought-after accreditation that signifies a retailer's dedication to delivering an outstanding online shopping experience.

In a remarkable achievement, LMCHING Group Limited has been awarded the prestigious "Trusted Store Badge" by Google. This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional service and high-quality products to our European customers.
كيف حصلنا على شارة متجر Google ذات الجودة العالية؟
القسم 1:
الحلم يتشكل
LMCHING wasn't just born from a business idea. We were fueled by a desire to share the transformative power of Korean skincare and sought-after European beauty products with the world. From the start, we promised not just great products, but an exceptional customer journey.
When we learned of the Google Top Quality Store badge, it felt like destiny. This wasn't just an award, it was a benchmark that represented everything we believed in.
القسم 2:
طريق التحسين
Meeting Google's standards wasn't easy. It meant scrutinizing every step: Were our shipments swift enough? Were returns a hassle? Did customers feel truly heard?
We made changes, big and small. These choices were investments in you, our customers.
Section 3:
Finally, that email from Google... pure joy! It proved we were genuinely changing the customer experience for the better.
Section 4:
هذه ليست سوى البداية
This badge motivates us to never rest on our laurels. It's a reminder that your feedback and satisfaction are what drive us forward.
نحن بلا شك نقدم خدمات موثوقة للغاية
Lightning-Fast Dispatch & Delivery
يتم تعبئة العناصر وشحنها خلال 24 ساعة فقط.
خيارات الشحن المتميزة
Strategic partnerships with renowned logistics companies, including Aramex, DHL, DPEX, and FedEx®.
خدمة عملاء استثنائية
Our average response time is just 3 hours and 10 minutes.
الطيار الثقة
ما هذا
Trustpilot is an online review community that connects businesses and consumers through genuine feedback from customers about their buying and service experiences.
In addition to the Google Trusted Store Badge, LMCHING Group Limited has also been highly rated by customers on TrustPilot, a well-respected online review platform. With an impressive 4.9 out of 5 stars, we have garnered praise for a wide selection of authentic Korean & European beauty products, competitive prices, and prompt delivery.
مراجعة عملائنا
وقالت السيدة لي ميو تشينغ، مؤسس مجموعة LMCHING المحدودة،
"يشرفنا للغاية أن نحصل على شارة المتجر الموثوق به من Google وأن نحصل على هذا التقييم العالي في Trustpilot. إن هذه الجوائز هي تأكيد على التزامنا بتزويد عملائنا بأفضل تجربة تسوق ممكنة.
بصفته متجرًا موثوقًا به ومعترفًا به من قِبل Google وحاصل على تقييم عالٍ على Trustpilot، تواصل LMCHING Group Limited وضع معايير خدمة العملاء الاستثنائية وجودة المنتج في عالم بيع مستحضرات التجميل بالتجزئة عبر الإنترنت. يمكن للعملاء التسوق بثقة، مع العلم أنهم يتعاملون مع متجر يقدر رضاهم ويبذل قصارى جهده لضمان تجربة إيجابية.
تسوق الآن!مواضيع لك
شارة متجر Google الموثوق به
ما هذا
The Google Trusted Store Badge is a sought-after accreditation that signifies a retailer's dedication to delivering an outstanding online shopping experience.

In a remarkable achievement, LMCHING Group Limited has been awarded the prestigious "Trusted Store Badge" by Google. This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional service and high-quality products to our European customers.
كيف حصلنا على شارة متجر Google ذات الجودة العالية؟
القسم 1:
الحلم يتشكل
LMCHING wasn't just born from a business idea. We were fueled by a desire to share the transformative power of Korean skincare and sought-after European beauty products with the world. From the start, we promised not just great products, but an exceptional customer journey.
When we learned of the Google Top Quality Store badge, it felt like destiny. This wasn't just an award, it was a benchmark that represented everything we believed in.
Section 2:
طريق التحسين
Meeting Google's standards wasn't easy. It meant scrutinizing every step: Were our shipments swift enough? Were returns a hassle? Did customers feel truly heard?
We made changes, big and small. These choices were investments in you, our customers.
Section 3:
Finally, that email from Google... pure joy! It proved we were genuinely changing the customer experience for the better.
القسم 4:
هذه ليست سوى البداية
This badge motivates us to never rest on our laurels. It's a reminder that your feedback and satisfaction are what drive us forward.
نحن بلا شك نقدم خدمات موثوقة للغاية
Lightning-Fast Dispatch & Delivery
يتم تعبئة العناصر وشحنها خلال 24 ساعة فقط.
خيارات الشحن المتميزة
Strategic partnerships with renowned logistics companies, including Aramex, DHL, DPEX, and FedEx®.
خدمة عملاء استثنائية
Our average response time is just 3 hours and 10 minutes.
الطيار الثقة
ما هذا
Trustpilot is an online review community that connects businesses and consumers through genuine feedback from customers about their buying and service experiences.
In addition to the Google Trusted Store Badge, LMCHING Group Limited has also been highly rated by customers on TrustPilot, a well-respected online review platform. With an impressive 4.9 out of 5 stars, we have garnered praise for a wide selection of authentic Korean & European beauty products, competitive prices, and prompt delivery.
مراجعة عملائنا
وقالت السيدة لي ميو تشينغ، مؤسس مجموعة LMCHING المحدودة،
"يشرفنا للغاية أن نحصل على شارة المتجر الموثوق به من Google وأن نحصل على هذا التقييم العالي في Trustpilot. إن هذه الجوائز هي تأكيد على التزامنا بتزويد عملائنا بأفضل تجربة تسوق ممكنة.
As a Trusted Store recognized by Google and highly rated on Trustpilot, LMCHING Group Limited continues to set the standard for exceptional customer service and product quality in the world of online beauty retail. Customers can shop with confidence, knowing that they are dealing with a store that values their satisfaction and goes the extra mile to ensure a positive experience.
تسوق الآن!