RMK is a one-of-a-kind cosmetics brand that has its roots in professional make-up artistry and is created in specialised Japanese facilities. The company, which was founded in 1997, is recognised for its vast selection of foundation bases, seasonal collections, and a colourful spectrum of the eye, cheek, and lip colours that suit all lifestyles and skin types. This Japanese cosmetics brand is distinguished for its painstaking attention to detail and exquisite skills, which are complemented with a blend of street vibes and a laid-back attitude.

2 produk

    2 produk
    *** ***
    RMK Pelindung Wajah UV Tingkat Lanjut 60g
    RMK Pelindung Wajah UV Tingkat Lanjut 60g
    RMK Pelindung Wajah UV Tingkat Lanjut 60g
    *** ***
    RMK Creamy Foundation EX 30g
    RMK Creamy Foundation EX 30g
    RMK Creamy Foundation EX 30g