EXPIRED (20/05/2025) OLD ROCK Acne Spray 15ml

EXPIRED (20/05/2025) OLD ROCK Acne Spray 15ml

EXPIRED (20/05/2025) OLD ROCK Acne Spray 15ml

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Giá thông thường HK$79.00 Giá khuyến mãi HK$25.00 Tiết kiệm HK$54
  • Vận chuyển và giao hàng nhanh chóng
  • Còn hàng, sẵn sàng để giao
  • Đang trong quá trình nhập hàng




  • Thailand


  • 15ml
    • This intensive natural acne spray is formulated to deal with mild &moderate acne on the face & body.
    • The spray is particularly great for hard to reach areas of acne, such as acne on the back.
    • 95% natural, with Sodium Shale oil Sulfonate for its antibacterial & balancing properties, Lactobacillus Ferment for balancing normal flora on skin surface.
    • Allantoin for skin rejuvenation and healing.
      • After cleaning your face was used anti-acne facial spray over your face.
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