RESPRING Galvanic Ion Booster 1pc

RESPRING Galvanic Ion Booster 1pc - LMCHING Group Limited

RESPRING Galvanic Ion Booster 1pc

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Giá thông thường HK$149.00
  • Vận chuyển và giao hàng nhanh chóng
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  • Korea


  • 1pc
  • A negative ionic current can be generated. It can be vibrated, rapidly passing through the muscle, skin base membrane.
  • Promote waste removal in deep pores, accelerating the circulation of oxygen to the skin.
  • Improve the skin's ability to absorb nutrients, so that the nutrients reach the muscles. Deep skin keeps skin clear and healthy.
  • Helps cells absorb the essence of nutrition and keeps skin fresh. The cell thus achieves the whitening and soothing effect of tension.

      ION (+)

      • Import Mode - Click on the power switch, turn on the green lightStart vibrating and enter the import mode.
      • Combined with skin care products, ionized skin can only be effectively treated. Skin nutrient solution is introduced into the dermis.

      ION (-)

      • Export mode - click on the power two times to turn on the red light, productionWhen the product starts to vibrate, it enters the derived mode.
      • Used in makeup removal to quickly clean the retained material and sedimentary pigments that clean the skin from within and out of the world, and restore the pores to a clean and refreshing state.
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