SOO & MEE 24K Premium Gold Whitening Essence 30ml

SOO & MEE 24K Premium Gold Whitening Essence 30ml - LMCHING Group Limited

SOO & MEE 24K Premium Gold Whitening Essence 30ml

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Giá thông thường HK$129.00 Giá khuyến mãi HK$95.00 Tiết kiệm HK$34
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  • SOO & MEE


  • Korea


  • 30ml
  • SOO & MEE Collagen Whitening Essence is a concentrated essence, containing brightening active ingredients to help improve dull skin to become bright and vibrant.

  • Containing 99% 24k gold + collagen + peptides that help your skin become smooth, bright, radiant.

  • Collagen helps get rid of wrinkles. The essence will reduce the production of melanin, reduce freckles, dark spots, and red ginseng will improve circulation.

  • Maintains oil and moisture balance and moisturizes the skin and keeps the dull skin clean and bright.
    • Apply a proper amount on the face evenly and pat gently for absorption.
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