COSME DECORTE AQ Whitening Lotion 200ml

COSME DECORTE AQ Whitening Lotion 200ml - LMCHING Group Limited

COSME DECORTE AQ Whitening Lotion 200ml

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Giá thông thường HK$475.00
  • Vận chuyển và giao hàng nhanh chóng
  • Hàng sắp hết - Còn lại 1 mặt hàng
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  • Japan


  • 200ml
  • Whitening Lotion that brings out the natural translucency in your skin, injecting luster even into skin that’s dry and prone to dullness.
  • Intense hydration even for dry skin prone to dullness, giving skin a natural translucency that’s packed with luster. 
  • The cosmetic ingredients penetrate deep into the stratum corneum, working gently to prevent blemishes, giving you a bright look without unevenness in tone.
        • Add a small amount of product to a cotton pad and apply by patting onto skin.
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