ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow Pencil 0.25g

ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow Pencil 0.25g - LMCHING Group Limited

ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow Pencil 0.25g

13 Reviews
Giá thông thường HK$25.00 Giá khuyến mãi HK$19.00 Tiết kiệm HK$6
  • Vận chuyển và giao hàng nhanh chóng
  • Hàng sắp hết - Còn lại 1 mặt hàng
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  • Korea


  • 0.25g
    • Details of ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow Pencil 0.25g

    • Soft eyebrow pencil for effortlessly natural-looking eyebrows. 
    • Select the color best matched your hair color and eye color.
    • Expose 2mm long and draw lightly from the inner edge of eyebrow to the eyebrow peak.
    • In the same direction, draw stroke by stroke.
    • Use the eyebrow brush to even the color.
    • Above is some information for ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow Pencil 0.25g. We will update more information in the future.
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