EXPIRED (1/3/2024) ROUND A’ROUND Sparkling Blending Fizzing Bath Bomb 150g

EXPIRED (1/3/2024) ROUND A’ROUND Sparkling Blending Fizzing Bath Bomb 150g

EXPIRED (1/3/2024) ROUND A’ROUND Sparkling Blending Fizzing Bath Bomb 150g

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Giá thông thường HK$99.00 Giá khuyến mãi HK$10.00 Tiết kiệm HK$89
  • Vận chuyển và giao hàng nhanh chóng
  • Hàng sắp hết - Còn lại 1 mặt hàng
  • Đang trong quá trình nhập hàng




  • Korea


  • 150g
  • #Blue sky: Rosemary scent
  • #Coral sunset: Grapefruit scent
  • #Greenery Pyeonbaek: Cypress scent
    • Evening Primrose Oil, Olive Oil and Avocado Oil to keep your body deeply moisturized. 
    • Contains coconut-based surfactant, helps to create milder and softer bubbles. 
    • Like fresh carbonated water, sparkling carbonated bubbles.
        • Toss one into the tub and prepare to be amazed by the expanding colors and froth as it spins in the water.
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