Hakugen Earth Ice Non Shirt Mist (Soap Scent) 100ml

Hakugen Earth Ice Non Shirt Mist (Soap Scent) 100ml - LMCHING Group Limited

Hakugen Earth Ice Non Shirt Mist (Soap Scent) 100ml

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Prezzo normale HK$79.00 Prezzo scontato HK$59.00 Risparmia HK$20
  • Spedizione e consegna veloci
  • Disponibile, pronto per essere spedito
  • Scorte in arrivo


  • Hakugen Earth 


  • Japan


  • 100ml 
  • While sweating outside, the cooling ingredients react with your sweat, creating a great icy sensation to keep you cool in summer!

  • It deodorizes and eliminates odors of sweat on clothes.
  • Suitable for sports, outdoor activities, shopping, commuting, inside hot environment or even before going to bed.

  • Spray before going out, so that the cooling ingredients can penetrate into your shirt for later effect.
  • 100ml for the convenience to bring around.

  • Spray about 10cm away from clothing, so that the surface gets slightly moistened. (It is a rough guide of 2 to 3 spray in one place.)
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