MIJIN COSMETICS MJCARE Premium Hand Care Pack 8g x 2

MIJIN COSMETICS MJCARE Premium Hand Care Pack 8g x 2 - LMCHING Group Limited

MIJIN COSMETICS MJCARE Premium Hand Care Pack 8g x 2

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Prezzo normale HK$29.00 Prezzo scontato HK$23.00 Risparmia HK$6
  • Spedizione e consegna veloci
  • Disponibilità limitata - 2 prodotti rimasti
  • Scorte in arrivo




  • Korea


  • 8g x 2pcs
    • Perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, eliminates damage and cracks on the skin, smoothes, brightens, allows you to prolong the youth of hands for a long time and preserve their beauty.
    • Special gloves are impregnated with an active serum, which includes natural caring ingredients: extracts of the root of the buckwheat, red ginseng and bark of the mulberry tree.
    • Hyaluronic acid in the composition of the serum maintains the water balance of the skin, collagen helps to maintain its elasticity and youth.
        • Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them before opening the pack.
        • Carefully put on the glove-type pack so as not to tear it.
        • After 20 to 30 minutes of care, remove the pack and gently massage the remaining essence for absorption.
        • If you use it 3-4 times a week, you can feel the soft and clean hands.
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